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Shahab Khan |

Shower Drain Channel

We believe in a world without barriers, a world without limitations. That fantasy culminates in our super luxurious and efficient Shower Drain ChannelsShower channel Channels are, as the name implies, drain jali’s or grating tops fitted in bathrooms, primarily in the shower area, to assist drainage. You might have often noticed this shower drains in public places like the swimming pools, hotels, water parks, etc. 

However, we at Ruhe wish to bring to you this elegant one of the best bathroom fittings to your household! The simplicity of the designs and the variations in the sizes is what makes Ruhe Shower Drain Channels popular, and many people prefer them to regular circular Floor DrainsNeed some reasons to get your bathroom a brand-new shower drain channel.

Voluminous Drainage 

These showers drain channels are long linear panels of grated stainless steel that enable rapid drainage. Due to their rectangular shape which spreads across almost an entire side of the bathroom, the wastewater is easily drained out within a few seconds. 

Super Easy Installation

The shower drains come with a side hole that allows you to install the shower drain in your bathroom without making major changes in your plumbing or drainage structure. Like any other floor drain, the shower drain can easily be installed in the bathroom. The only difference is that after installation, you’ll have a fancier looking bathroom! 

Spotless Stainless Steel

The shower drain channels are manufactured in AISI-304 Grade Stainless Steel which is one of the most superior qualities of steel available. The steel is rust and scratch-resistant and also repels corrosion due to hard water. 

Cockroach Trap

The Shower Drain channels are equipped with heavy-duty stainless steel cockroach traps that prevent foul smells, toxic gases and pests from entering and polluting the bathroom. These cockroach traps constantly hold some amount of water in them so as to prevent the ingress of pests from the sewage.

Seamless Appearance 

The shower drain channels are beautifully crafted and have multiple designer grating tops to perfectly fit your taste and style. These linear drains are sleek and sharp looking that seamlessly integrate into your bathroom floor giving an aesthetically pleasing overall look!

We know that we definitely changed your mind! Head over to our page and get your bathroom the much-needed update of the hour!!


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